In the United States there are millions of working Americans’. Due to this it is inevitable someone to sustain an occupational disease and/or a work related injury. We are proud to say we are licensed by the New York Workers’ Compensation Board to treat these injury victims. We have a knowledgeable and experienced staff that will ensure that everything gets handled in the proper fashion.
At your first visit to our office you will be asked a series of questions that will help the doctor better asses your degree of disability and your treatment plan indications. You will then if needed be referred for the necessary treatment to improve your condition. Our staff will then work closely with the doctor to ensure you obtain the best possible care for your condition. During your treatment with our office we will also be processing the pertinent forms with the Workers’ Compensation Board on your behalf. If at the time of your hearings you wish to be legal represented by a workers compensation representative we will take the liberty of recommending someone to fit your needs.
The doctor is also available for depositions and court testimonies if deemed necessary by the Workers’ Compensation Board. We are always here to answer all questions and to receive comments so that we may have complete patient satisfaction.
Lesiones de trabajo
En Estados Unidos hay millones de estadounidenses que trabajan “. Debido a esta persona que es inevitable para sostener una enfermedad profesional y / o una lesión del trabajo. Estamos orgullosos de decir que estamos autorizados por los trabajadores de Nueva York, la Junta de Compensación para el tratamiento de estas víctimas de lesiones. Contamos con un personal capacitado y con experiencia que se asegurará de que todo se maneja de forma adecuada.
En su primera visita a nuestra oficina, se le pedirá una serie de preguntas que ayudarán al médico evaluar mejor su grado de discapacidad y sus indicaciones plan de tratamiento. A continuación, si es necesario ser referido para el tratamiento necesario para mejorar su condición. Nuestro personal se trabajará estrechamente con el médico para asegurarse de obtener el mejor cuidado posible para su condición.
Durante su tratamiento con nuestra oficina también será procesamiento de los formularios pertinentes con la Junta de Compensación Laboral en su nombre. Si en el momento de sus audiencias, quieren ser legal representado por un representante de los trabajadores una indemnización tomaremos la libertad de recomendar a alguien para satisfacer sus necesidades.
Musculoskeletal disorders include a group of conditions that involve the nerves, tendons, muscles, and supporting structures such as intervertebral discs. They represent a wide range of disorders, which can differ in severity from mild periodic symptoms to severe chronic and debilitating conditions. Examples include carpal tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis, tension neck syndrome, and low back pain. Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders are musculoskeletal disorders caused or made worse by the work environment. WMSDs can cause severe and debilitating symptoms such as pain, numbness, and tingling; reduced worker productivity; lost time from work; temporary or permanent disability; inability to perform job tasks; and an increase in workers compensation costs. Musculoskeletal disorders are often confused with ergonomics. Ergonomics is the science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of workers. In other words, musculoskeletal disorders are the problem and ergonomics is a solution. What Are the Risk Factors for WMSDs? Repetitive, forceful, or prolonged exertions of the hands; frequent or heavy lifting, pushing, pulling, or carrying of heavy objects; prolonged awkward postures; and vibration contribute to WMSDs. Jobs or working conditions that combine risk factors will increase the risk for musculoskeletal problems. The level of risk depends on how long a worker is exposed to these conditions, how often they are exposed, and the level of exposure. How Common Are MSDs? Musculoskeletal disorders of any cause are among the most prevalent medical problems, affecting 7% of the population and accounting for 14% of physician visits and 19% of hospital stays. When looking specifically at work-related musculoskeletal disorders, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that in 1995, 62% (308,000) of all illness cases were due to disorders associated with repeated trauma. This figure does not include back injuries. BLS also reports that the number of cases of repeated trauma has increased significantly, rising from 23,800 cases in 1972 to 332,000 cases in 1994-a fourteenfold increase. In 1995 the number of cases decreased by 7% to 308,000 reported cases, but this number still exceeds the number of cases in any year prior to 1994. When looking specifically at cases involving days away from work, for which more detailed information is available, BLS reports that in 1994, approximately 32% or 705,800 cases were the result of overexertion or repetitive motion. This figure includes back injuries. Notice to California Residents – Making a false or fraudulent workers’ compensation claim is a felony subject to up to five years in prison or a fine of up to $50,000 or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or by both imprisonment and fine.
What Are Musculoskeletal Disorders?
What Are Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSD)?